Download the free video class to support your clients going past their "due dates"!

As the due date approaches, it can disturb birth physiology by increasing anxiety, bringing the fear of interventions, and even impacting outcomes. So how can you help your clients navigate this stressful time in a way that increases oxytocin? Get this FREE class now!

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    Will they go past their "due date"?

    Statistics tell us that the chance is more than 50% that they will... but why is that? Lets explore the evidence, what it really means to be post-dates, and how to help your client develop realistic expectations.

    What happens when they do?

    It's one thing to know they'll probably go past their "due date," and a different experience when the date is imminent. Especially when they are feeling uncomfortable (so done!), and all their friends and family are asking "are you pregnant yet?"

    How will you help them navigate it?

    Let's explore how you can help lessen the anxiety, increase the oxytocin, and –if it needs to happen– prepare them for the "induction conversation."